HOFA Buckeye Bash and Ferret Pictures!

This is going to be a short post, mostly because I'm running behind today. Why, you ask? Because when it comes to alarm clocks, I'm technically retarded. I have a habit of staying up way too late, and then sleeping in. Luckily, my girlfriend Krissy submits herself to a surly Me every morning and helps get me out of bed (thank the lord). Otherwise, I'd probably be about 4 hours late for everything, all the time. My body works on L.A. time and I live in Wilkes-Barre, PA...something isn't right here.
Anyway, that little ramble is because Kris is gone until Sunday! :( She's at the HOFA Rescue Ferret Buckeye Bash[1] in Ohio this weekend. HOFA is the Heart of Ohio Ferret Association and Rescue, one of the bigger ones across the U.S, and the Buckeye Bash is one of the biggest ferret shows of the year. Bob Church, the most well-known ferret expert and inventor of Bob Church's Chicken Gravy[2], which has saved many a sick ferret, will be there speaking (I'm a little jealous, I'd like to meet him real bad). It's on Saturday, Aug 27, 2005 - so if you're in the area, stop by! Kris will be at TheFerretStore.com's[3] booth, which is where she works (TheFerretStore, not the booth, obviously) as an Internet Marketing Specialist. TheFerretStore is sponsoring/presenting the event along with HOFA. Check out their Ferret Store Interactive[4] site, there's some excellent resources and information there.
But, since we have 6 ferrets (7 until recently...sniff), she also does ferret shows for them with our friend Carissa, who also has ferrets. Jason[5], her husband, works with me at SolidCactus. And that my friends was the point of this whole little post - to show off pictures of our ferrets. This is not a full representation, as I can only presently find one small folder of the thousands of pics I have of them. Lucky for you, I'll be finding and posting more soon! For now, this should quell your appetite for cute animals...
Cute Ferret Pictures
- Cheeba licking Ferretone
- Jebabba waking up
- Jebabba yawning
- Cheeba getting a little too close to the flash
- Sophie waking up and surprised to see a camera
- Sophie and Jebabba saying hello
- Brief history on Smoke (below): He's our oldest ferret, almost 7 years old. His cagemate, Rascal (my first ferret) passed this year, and Smoke has never gotten along with anyone but him. With people, he's the sweetest ferret in the world, and he's so pure and dumb he doesn't know how to get in trouble. Because of the situation, he's the only ferret that lives downstairs with us - the other 5 have their own room upstairs. His cage is behind the couch in the living room, and sometimes I can get a good watch at the waking up process - which, any ferret owner will tell you, is both precious and at times, hilarious. Smoke is a scratcher, and he'll scratch so loud in the morning that he can wake you up, thumping his paws on the ground as he scratches. Here's a few shots of him waking up, didn't find any good ones of him scratching today.
- Part 1 - Still sleeping
- Part 2 - Sleepy, but coming to
- Part 3 - Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey
- Part 4 - NO! There is no escaping here!
[1] HOFA Buckeye Bash 2005
[2] Bob Church's Chicken Gravy
[3] Ferret Products at TheFerretStore.com
[4] Ferret Information, Resources and more at FerretStoreInteractive.com
[5] The Great and Powerful Jason Longo!
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